What is Sleepasil?

Sleepasil is a dietary supplement used to promote a good night’s sleep. This all-natural, non-habit forming sleep aid contains a variety of ingredients known to help the body relax and ease into a restful sleep. Melatonin is used to help stabilize the circadian rhythm, chamomile acts as a sedative that reduces muscle spasms, and Valerian Root assists with insomnia and has been used as a medication for sleep disorders associated with anxiety. This product helps to relieve stress, improve melatonin levels, and ensure relaxation of the mind and body.


Sleepasil contains 60 capsules and is a blend of the following key ingredients:

Other ingredients also include:

  • Wild Jujube Seed Extract
  • Hops
  • Passion Flower
  • Skullcap
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium

The manufacturer does not list the exact amount of each ingredient found in Sleepasil.


It is recommended to take one or two capsules prior to going to bed and this product should be used consistently until sleeping patterns become regular. The manufacturer cautions the consumer not to take more than the recommended dosage and to store Sleepasil at room temperature and away from light.


The manufacturer does not provide a price or sell this product directly on their website. They do list a variety of stores in which the product can be purchased, however, they are all located in the Philippines. It was difficult to determine the price of this product, but we believe that the price per capsule converts to around 29 cents, equating to around $17 per package containing 60 capsules.

Possible Side Effects

The manufacturer states that Sleepasil does not have any addictive effects. However, they do caution users not to drive or operate heavy machinery while taking the product and to consult a healthcare provider if you suffer from chronic insomnia. This product is not recommended for children 12 years and under. As with any other dietary supplement, consumers should discuss taking the product with their healthcare professional prior to use.

Manufacturer’s Commitment

The manufacturer does not list any satisfaction or guarantee on their product, Sleepasil. They do promote that they use the highest quality natural products at affordable prices to enhance your quality of life. The manufacturer does provide a ‘contact us’ form on their website to inquire about the product, as well as a phone number to their customer service hotline.

The Bottom Line

Sleepasil uses all-natural ingredients that help to normalize sleeping patterns, reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, and relax the mind and body. The manufacturer clearly states the benefits and effects of each ingredient listed in this product. However, Sleepasil is difficult to purchase, as the stores are all located in the Philippines and it is challenging to find online. There are no reviews for this product on the manufacturer’s website either, making it difficult to determine the effectiveness of this product. Given these drawbacks, it may be beneficial for consumers to explore other sleep aid options available on the market.

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