
We cannot have a complete discussion about insomnia without discussing our behavior. What does behavior mean in this context? It simply refers to habits, daily actions, and routines that contribute to sleeplessness at night. Several factors such as the time you sleep, the time you wake up, the amount of time spend in bed, your diet, your time of exercise, and the tasks and actions you engage in before sleeping can affect your sleep’s quality, as well as duration. Now let us examine some of these factors.

Irregular Wake Up and Sleep Times

The Cause of Chronic InsomniaI understand that you like being responsible for everything that happens in your life. You are now an adult, totally different from how you were at the age of six. There is no need to be reminded when to sleep when the night approaches. True? Okay, somewhat true. I will not remind you about when to sleep every night. However, I will tell you that an unbalanced sleep schedule is more likely to cause insomnia compared to other behaviors. If you really want to do away with insomnia, it is time to be serious about sleep schedules. This implies that it is time to sleep at almost the same time or maintain regular sleep schedules every night. It also implies that it is time to wake up at almost the same time daily. Both cases describe what we call a consistent schedule, which can be termed as the source of all help programs that focus on freeing people from insomnia. Such a schedule is every sleep expert’s first priority.

Inappropriate Exercise Timing or No Exercise

The absence of exercise in not the source of insomnia, but it may be the leading cause for you. You need to learn a number of things about insomnia and exercise. First of all, timing is imperative. Secondly, the type of exercise can be successful or unsuccessful when used in a recovery program for insomniacs.

Participating in Energizing and Mentally Stimulating Activities Prior to Bedtime

The Cause of Chronic InsomniaDo the activities you engage in before sleeping contribute to the development of insomnia? The answer to this question is yes. Both your mind and body need to switch slowly before you sleep. How about watching exciting movies frequently prior to bedtime? Do you play video games or engage in political debates and personal arguments? How furious are you when commenting on blogs or boards? Do you catch up on unfinished work during business hours? Do you talk to your friends on your phone or study for your exams when the time for studying is almost over?

Some individuals normally sleep well despite the activities they engage in before sleeping. I am assuming that you are not one of such people because you would not bother to read this article with sleepy eyes. It is exactly why you should consider recognizing and respecting your sleep needs as the number one rule

Eating Behaviors, Diet, and Nutrition

Is there an appropriate diet for insomnia? The answer is yes. We can interfere with our sleep because of our eating behaviors. If insomnia results from nutritional lapses, it is easy to fix the problem at least from a theoretical perspective. A person who has tried losing weight can confirm that changing one’s eating habits is a difficult task. Nevertheless, a diet for insomniacs is somewhat kind and gentle. Although there are other behavioral sources of insomnia, the main sources include sleep schedule, mental activity, diet, and exercise. You will soon have a peaceful sleep if you consider an insomnia program that incorporates these factors.

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